Core Value
Customer demands is the driving force behind our continuous improvement,
to service customer and create higher value for customer are our ultimate Goal!

SIGMA CNC always continuous to innovate and R & D that is the driving force of new growing market demand and changes through keen examination thinking and analysis, to cope with the services more many different machining centers and machine tools needs for broad customer base.

We look forward with the Best Technologies and the Best Services for customers to create greater value and profit. Client’s need is the core of our constant innovation, provide top notch service is our ultimate goal. Continue to innovate and research is the drive of SIGMA’s growth. The change and need of current market will be analysis cautiously in order to serve diverse client need. We ought to provide our best skills and services that bring highest value and profit to our clients.

Quality Policy
- Company-wide quality management toward customer satisfaction.
- Do it right at the first time.
- Control in any process.
- Continuous improvement.

Environmental Protection Policy
- Compliance with rules.
- Minimizing industrial waste.
- Education and announcements.
- Implementing recycling and energy saving.

Safety Policy
- Safety without compromise.
- Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
- Prevention is better than cure.

- ISO 9001, AFAQ